Thursday, May 21, 2009

Chapter 8

The eventful journey to Buchenwald weakened Eliezer's father a great deal. When they arrived he could do nothing but sit in the snow. He constantly asks to rest and and air raid strikes and Eliezer is forced to leave his father and return to the barracks. "Don't yell my son... Have pity on your old father...Let me rest here...a little...I beg of you, I'm so more strength..." (Wiesel 105) After the air raid Eliezer searches for his father, but in actuality he didn't want to find his father because it would be easier for him to survive without him. He then stumbled upon his father. He is very sick and unable to move so his son brings him soup and coffee but thinks that he should keep it so that he is more likely to survive. His father was then confined to his bed and was infected with dysentery and was constantly asking for water, but its not good to have water if you have dysentery. "I woke up at dawn on January 29. On my father's cot there lay another sick person. They must have taken him away before daybreak and taken him to the crematorium.." (Wiesel 112). 

1 comment:

  1. This chapter was a hard one for Elie. Like you said, his father was getting very weak and Elie was having a conflict within himself whether to keep his father alive, or worry about only himself. He knew the right thing to do, however.
    Good post, Cory. You used appropriate quotes for what you were saying and made a good post out of it.
